Saturday 5 December 2009

Credit card security breach fear

Reports are being investigated of a major credit card scam in Spain.

Anyone who used a Visa or Mastercard credit card when in Spain may have had their card data compromised.

In Germany, as many as 100,000 cards are reportedly being recalled. UK customers will be contacted directly if they are thought to be at risk.

Card holders are being assured that they will be protected against this type of fraud, but are being advised to check their statements.

Spanish police are investigating a credit card processing company which is believed to be at the centre of the scam.

In a statement, Visa Europe confirmed that "it is aware of a possible card data security issue in Spain. No details are yet confirmed, but we do not believe that the issue is specific to Visa."

Both Visa and Mastercard say their systems have not been compromised. The problem appears to be somewhere in the payment chain.

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